Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Coffee shops, as well as college houses/coffee bars, have become an important day-to-day scene and a hallmark in socializing.  Coffee drinkers are not only looking for excellent quality and great service, but for a good selection of coffee drinks, which are now readily available.

According to the National Coffee Association of U.S.A., Inc.* (2011 National Coffee Drinking Trends):
** 40% of 18-24 year olds drink coffee, which is up from 31% in 2010
** 54% of adults age 25-39 reportedly drink coffee daily, up from 44% in 2010
** Gourmet coffee continues to be a significant portion (37%) of total coffee consumed --
     pointing to the fact that consumers desire to maintain coffee quality despite an uncertain

Further NCA Survey Results reveal: close to 53% of the U.S. population is over 18 years of age, of which are daily coffee consumers, in other words,  there are close to 108 million coffee drinkers per day.  So, out of that number, there is close to 30 million Americans drinking (gourmet) coffees every day.

Trends can be compared to ocean waves -- some crash quite quickly and disappear, while others take time to build up and hold their own for periods of time.  These days, it's  more trendy to have a TV cooking show rather own a restaurant, or sell products, such as clothing/cooking supplies/jewelry, on a national network than run personal establishments.  But the  'coffee culture' has been around for a long time, with coffee consumption going up, and 'specialty coffee shops' becoming more and more popular.  There is no better time than 'now' to get into action by opening up a coffee shop.

*2011 National Coffee Drinking Trends - Natinal Coffee Association

1 comment:

  1. This is a very informative post. The idea is also very good. I am a lover of coffee drinking and i always take gourmet coffee. No doubt coffee is a tasty drink and the rise of forte coffee, gourmet coffee, organic coffee, and other flavored coffee in current years has only augmented the number of yummy coffee drinks.
    Kopi Luwak
